Whether you write about cats, blog about cats, photograph cats, or celebrate cats in some other form of media, we invite you to the Cat Writers’ Association.
CWA Membership Benefits and Requirements
The Cat Writers’ Association, Inc. offers many benefits to you as a member:
- Numerous networking opportunities through private CWA groups.
- Our periodic newsletter, the award-winning MEOW, keeps you updated on official CWA business and tells you what your fellow cat writers, artists and other professionals are doing.
- Submit articles for publication in the CWA blog. Publishng articles for the blog puts your work in front of like-minded people who might not otherwise find your work. The blog includes helpful and informative articles, writing tips, market information to help you sell your work, and inspirational essays from seasoned writers and other professionals who communicate about cats.
- A press card to facilitate your attendance at cat shows and events (for professional members only).
- A discount to enter the annual Cat Writers’ Association Communications Contest. The Contest recognizes outstanding cat writing (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and more), broadcasting, artwork, and photography.
- A discount to attend CWA’s annual Writer’s Conference, which offers superb networking opportunities and professional guidance and advice from seasoned writers and other professionals.
- Opportunities to make mutually beneficial professional contacts — and good friends!
- News and tips on publishing opportunities and markets from other members.
- Opportunities for promotion via CWA’s social media channels.
- Inclusion in CWA’s Book List, which is available to the public.
Members of the CWA help contribute to the appreciation and welfare of all cats by providing accurate news, information and education on all aspects of felines, their nature, health, care, and lore.
Follow these links for more information.
- Membership requirements and application.
- Goals of the Cat Writers’ Association
- Testimonials
- Questions? Please email CWA’s Secretary at secretary@catwriters.com.
in your professional development by joining the Cat Writer’s Association TODAY! |
CWA Membership Requirements
To be considered for membership in the CWA, you must include, along with your application and $35.00 fee (including $15.00 non-refundable application processing fee), CAT-SPECIFIC samples of your work published or publicly produced during the preceding 12 months (24 months for books). All work samples must be dated, include the publication’s name, and must contain at least 2/3rds “cat-specific content,” not just mention cats in passing or use them as props or scenery. Works that portray cats in a negative, inhumane or irresponsible manner do not qualify as work samples for CWA membership.
Applicants: Please review the work sample requirements below before selecting work samples to accompany your application!
Need a CWA member sponsor? Applications naming CWA member(s) as sponsor(s) receive the highest consideration. The CWA encourages prospective members to contact a current CWA member to discuss possible sponsorship. (Go to http://www.catwriters.com and click on “Our Members.”) Don’t specify a sponsor without their consent. Most CWA members will be happy to discuss your cat-related work and your CWA membership application with you.
CWA requirements for submitted work samples
For professional membership in the Cat Writers’ Association, three (3) published work samples (or one (1) published book) must be submitted with one’s application for membership. These work samples must be published within the last two years of being submitted and must be original work. AI-generated content is not eligible for any level of membership.
- The contents of any work submitted for CWA membership consideration must be at least two-thirds (⅔) specific to cats.
- Articles, poems, photographs, artwork, calendars, and other forms of written/visual media (printed or online/electronic/digital) from sources such as magazines, blogs, websites, newsletters, social media, newspapers, etc.; as well as audio media such as videos, podcasts, etc. are acceptable as work samples. If a submission is published as a ghost author or under a pseudonym, verification will be required from the editor of the source of publication.
- Proof of financial compensation is required in cases where the candidate is seeking professional membership status. Special consideration may be given to writers, photographers, videographers, and more for nonprofit organizations who are not compensated for their work as long as the submitted pieces meet the objective standards for membership approval.
- To be eligible for consideration for professional membership, CWA will accept electronically published work samples from publications such as personal blogs, websites, podcasts, webinars, and videos if the following criteria are met:
- The source has been established for one year or longer,
- Content has been published at least once a month for a period of at least six months prior to submission.
- The candidate must provide proof of income/compensation for at least one work sample where the applicant was compensated, whether through product or monetary remuneration.
- Books submitted as work samples shall be submitted as a pdf file or link to the actual document for review. The entire book should be submitted for consideration. A large majority (at least ⅔) of the content of non-fiction books should address cats. The piece may include other animals or topics, but most of the sample must pertain to cats (pet, feral, rescue, wild, etc.). In fictional works, it is not essential that a cat be the main character, but felines must be integral to the plot and story rather than incidental characters or walk-ons. Book submissions shall be evaluated based on the quality of the work. Candidate must provide proof of income/compensation for at least one work sample where the applicant was compensated, whether through product or monetary remuneration.
Associate membership may be considered for any applicant whose work sample(s) do not meet the above requirements. Applicants for associate membership must submit at least one work sample, at least two-thirds (⅔) specific to cats.
The overall quality of all submitted works shall be considered as part of the evaluation process, in addition to the qualifications already defined. Considerations shall include but not be limited to grammar, spelling, punctuation, accuracy, and general presentation of the work. The work must display responsible and accurate communication about cats.
Any member of the CWA Membership Committee has the right to request additional writing or other work samples or supporting documents from any applicant.
Exceptions to the above requirements might be made by a majority vote of the membership committee.
Ready to apply? Submit your application here!