You don’t need to be Irish to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. According to U.S. News a reported 127 million Americans will celebrate this holiday and spend a lot of green. Last year revelers spent 4.8 million. As an old-fashioned antidote, I created a collage of vintage and modern elements. It’s free to share on social media. May you enjoy the day with a furry friend or two. After all, what could be luckier?
Hallo to all ,
I am Jana Zastěrová from Prague , I am jurist and from time to time I write to the magazine “Ours Cats” /Naše kočky/.
Recently, I wanted to write something about St. Catrick Day and I needed to know about the o r i g i n of this celebration
/ w h e n started this tradition of the cats ? / , but I was not able to find relevant informations /f.e. in the Wikipedia/.
And this is my appeal : can somebody advise me w h e r e I can
search for this knowledge ?
Many, many, many thanks in advance !!!
Jana Zástěrová
P.S. Please, excuse my English – I am francophon… J.Z.
To Layla Morgan Wilde :
Your collage is wonderful and superb !!!
I like it very, very much !!!
J. Zástěrová