By Mollie Hunt
Who are the Cat Writers’ Association is a series of interviews with CWA members, but not your usual who, what, and where discussion. I like to ask a different set of questions and am always amazed by the answers. I hope you are, too.
Our guest today on “Who are the Cat Writers’ Association?” is award-winning author Judith Ayn.
Part 1:
About My Craft:
I created the Cheater’s Lake (Washington) Mystery Series, which begins with a prequel novella, MURDER AT THE NO-KILL ANIMAL SHELTER. The purpose of the novella is to introduce Homicide Detective Mark Walsh, who has just relocated from sunny, hot, Phoenix, Arizona, to the soggy Pacific Northwest.

The first case Mark works on involves a fire at a no-kill animal shelter and the death of an elderly caretaker. In the midst of solving the crime, Mark comes across two stray cats, who end up adopting and rescuing him! He ultimately names them Fred (tiger-striped) and Ethel (orange, one-eyed). They appear in every book in the series.
I used my own cats, Ziggy and Sammy, as the models for the felines, and the book cover features a photo I took of them. There is a repeat of the photo on the back side of each succeeding book to tie the series together.

In addition, I’ve been writing shorter articles. During COVID, I wrote Defying Death for a Cat Food Run, which was published online and won a Certificate of Excellence in the 2020 Cat Writers’ Association Communications Contest in the Written Article – Entertainment category. MURDER AT THE NO-KILL ANIMAL SHELTER also won a Certificate of Excellence in the Short-Form Fiction, (Short Story, Novella or Flash Fiction) in 2022
Recently, I wrote a piece for the CWA blog – Two Cats to the Rescue. The post was featured in December 2023, along with the cover of my first book and an author photo.
Interested in writing for the CWA Blog?
One of the many benefits of being a CWA member is the privilege of having a place to submit your writing. Pieces written for the CWA blog can even be submitted to the annual CWA Communications Contest!
I’m currently working on the fourth book in the murder series, DEAD ENDS. Ziggy and Sammy will appear, of course. This follows DEAD LAWYERS and DEAD MERCHANDISE. I also write essays, poems, and short stories, with a few involving cats.
How Cats Inspire My Creativity:
We always had cats in our family when I was growing up, and I continued the tradition with my son. (He and his fiancée have two rescues.) I feel these creatures are my spirit guides. Over the decades, cats have shown me love, loyalty, and wisdom. I try to incorporate those virtues and some feline-type humor in my writing!
What I Enjoy About Belonging to CWA:
I feel accepted by my fellow writers as serious, legitimate authors. Besides giving me opportunities and inspiration to write, the organization has also exposed me to more writers who feature cats and has added to the fascination I have for these creatures.

Part 2:
Mollie: What is your favorite cat movie and why?
Judith: My favorite cat movie is an oldie, That Darn Cat, starring Hayley Mills. TC is a very clever Siamese who causes trouble and laughs in this light comedy-mystery. Just a fun romp to watch!
Mollie: What crosses your mind when someone tells you they don’t like cats?
Judith: People who tell me they don’t like cats do not appeal to me.
Mollie: What do your cats think of you?
Judith: I am owned and operated by two cats. Ziggy is very smart and knows several words. He loves watching birds through the sliding glass doors on the patio and will come running from a different room if I tell him the birdies, especially the ducks, are there.
Sammy Sue literally hops around the apartment but is constantly in my lap for attention. She’s nervous at times (I think because of her one-eye vision), but also very smart. Her favorite thing is the can opener running, followed by tuna fish just for her.

Mollie: What famous cat or cat person have you met?
Judith: “The Kitten Lady,” Hannah Shaw. She is featured on Judith: YouTube and is an expert on newborn abandoned kittens. She appeared near my home at a RescueCon event in April of this year and taught the whole audience many facts about what motherless kittens need, how to tell their age, etc. She literally turned her San Diego home into a kitten nursery!
Mollie: What would your life be without cats?
Judith: A life without cats would be similar to a life without books. I don’t think I could survive.
Mollie: Tell us about your cats.
Judith: Ziggy is a male, gray and black striped tabby, about 15 pounds. Sammy Sue is a calico with one eye, maybe 7 pounds. Both are short hairs and love each other, even when they decide to play-fight.

About the Author
Cat Writer Mollie Hunt is the award-winning author of two cozy series, the Crazy Cat Lady Mysteries and the Tenth Life Mysteries. Her Cat Seasons Sci-Fantasy Tetralogy features extraordinary cats saving the world. Mollie also released a cat-themed COVID memoir. In her spare time, she pens a bit of cat poetry as well.
Mollie is a member of the Oregon Writers’ Colony, Sisters in Crime, the Cat Writers’ Association, Willamette Writers, and Northwest Independent Writers Association (NIWA). She lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and a varying number of cats. Visit her website.

This is a great interview, Judith Ayn’s DEAD series is absolutely terrific. If you haven’t read her yet you’re missing out. I can’t wait for DEAD ENDS Great job Judith – Cats or bust!
Great interview. I learning about you and your Cat Love.