Arden Moore, contest chair, will offer information and field questions about the contest in a special Google Hangout being hosted by Amy Shojai. The hangout will be at 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 8 (11 a.m. CENTRAL time). Anyone (member or not) can enter this contest. Entries must be “cat” focused work published by Dec. 31, 2015. All entries for the CWA Communications Contest must be postmarked by Tuesday Jan. 19. Let’s set a record for the number of quality entries this year!
You’ll need a Google-Plus account to view the live broadcast and connect with Amy here and/or Arden here. Then you’ll simply follow this link and enjoy the presentation.
But don’t worry! Here’s the recording! And check out the quick overview written below.
- Eligible entries must have been published or broadcasted between June 16, 2014 AND December 31, 2015.
- All entries must be postmarked by JAN. 19, 2016. They must arrive to contest chair Arden Moore within 7 days of the Jan. 19, 2016 postmark deadline.
- Arden Moore’s address: 726 Deep Well Drive, Allen, TX 75002.
- CWA Conference is June 23-25, 2016 in Phoenix in partnership with BlogPaws.
- AWARDS BANQUET JUNE 24, Friday evening, 6-10:00 pm at the Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa outside Phoenix, AZ. Member Registration Rate $75 (Nonmember $85) until Jan 19; Jan. 20 until June 10, 2016: $95.00. REGISTER TODAY!
- Each entry can only be submitted to ONE regular category. Type or print each entry form so that it can be easily read.
- Each entry submitted for the Special Awards category MUST be entered in the REGULAR category.
- An entry can be submitted in more than one SPECIAL Award category (more chance to win a money prize!)
- There is an additional $5 fee for each Special Award entry you submit.
- Volunteer to judge and receive the discounted entry rate for regular categories at $8.50 (versus $15). Judging is a much-appreciated way to show your support as a CWA member.
- Submit THREE copies of each regular entry with ONE copy of the entry form per entry. These copies will be mailed to three judges.
- Checks are to be payable to Cat Writers’ Association. You can pay by mail or use the PayPal option posted here.
- This annual contest is open to CWA members and non-members. Encourage your colleagues to join our organization!
- There are 55 regular and 19 Special Award categories, but there may be categories with NO winners due to low scores, no entries or disqualifications.
- An individual must score an average of 90 or higher among the three judges to be a finalist and receive a CWA Certificate of Excellence.
- Please judge the entry for its merits and score fairly. Example: If one judge scores the entry 100; another scores it 80 and the third scores it 88, the combined average is 89, one point BELOW being a finalist.
- The contest chair will do her best to honor your request on judging specific categories and will make sure you are not a judge in a category for which you have submitted an entry. Expect to judge 2 (and in rare situations), 3 categories.
- Please take the time to read the contest rules posted on CWA before posting a question to the contest chair.
I am writing a book now – I am a published author. Will I be able to submit that next year?
Thank you for this, I wanted to find out more before I submit anything! I love the picture for the video, it was only at my first cat show I realised the cats can be carried like that and they were totally cool with it!