Paula A. Gregg, Ph.D., was an award-winning blogger, photographer, and cat advocate. A Professional Member of the Cat Writers’ Association, Paula passed away suddenly during her second term as President. During her life, she received a Ph.D. in Mathematics, taught middle school math, and taught Mathematics instruction at the college level. For the past ten years, Paula created content for Sweet Purrfections, where she wrote about Persian cat health, daily care, education, and the human-animal bond. The tagline of Sweet Purrfections promises, “Living and Learning with Persian Cats” and Paula’s content delivers on that promise. At the time of her death, Paula was also the Managing Editor of The Cat Blogosphere, Editor of The Cats of the World Weekly Planners, and an Associate Member of the United Silver and Golden Fanciers (USGF) Club.
Steve Dale, pet expert, radio/TV personality, fellow CWA Member, and a Director on the Board of EveryCat Health Foundation said, “Paula was committed to furthering the human-animal bond, and was always a teacher, directing pet parents to better understand their cats.”
We remember Paula for her dedication to cats and CWA, her big heart and love for those around her, her leadership, her beautiful singing voice, and as a friend and mentor. Surviving Paula are her beloved silver-shaded Persian cats, Truffle and Brulee.
The Paula A. Gregg, Ph.D., Memorial Living and Learning With Purebred Cats Special Award is presented for the entry, first published in 2021, that best educates the public about the physical features, personality, and/or challenges related to a breed of purebred cats, preparing and training purebred cats for showing, what to expect when attending or participating in a cat show, living with purebred cats as pets, or the role of purebred cats in society. The Award is sponsored by a generous anonymous supporter of CWA.
Award: $500 and a commemorative item.